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(Average of 38 ratings)
190 Favorites
Basic Profile
Age: 21
Birthday: May 07
Gender: Female
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Country: Russia
Ethnicity: Other Ethnicity
Bra Size:
Favorite Position:
Eye Color: Inconsistent/Variable eye color
Hair Color: Hair? What Hair?
Smoker: By Request
Languages: English, Russian
About Panterra67
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If this helps, here is a guide on your sex metabolism
With both hands........................ 8 Calories
With one hand.......................... 22 Calories
With your teeth........................ 85 Calories

With an erection....................... 6 Calories
Without an erection.................... 315 Calories

Trying to find the clitoris............ 8 Calories
Trying to find the G-Spot.............. 192 Calories

Missionary............................. 112 Calories
69 lying down.......................... 178 Calories
69 standing up......................... 312 Calories
Wheelbarrow............................ 386 Calories
Doggy Style............................ 400 Calories
Italian chandelier..................... 972 Calories

Real................................... 112 Calories
Fake.................................. 315 Calories

Lying in bed hugging................... 18 Calories
Getting up immediately................. 36 Calories
Explaining why you got out of bed immediately......816 Calories

If you are:
20-29 years old........................ 36 Calories
30-39 years............................ 80 Calories
40-49 years............................ 124 Calories
50-59 years............................ 972 Calories
60-69 years............................ 2916 Calories
70 and over......................... Results are still pending

Calmly................................. 32 Calories
In a hurry............................. 98 Calories
With her father knocking at the door... 1218 Calories
With your wife knocking at the door.... 3521 Calories

1. Sex is beneficial for both the heart and the ***** circulation, especially in the brain. While having sex, the heart rate goes from 70 beats per minute to 150, a good training for the heart. Having sex thrice a week decreases the risk of heart attack by 50 %. Also during the sex intercourses, the breath is deeper, meaning a better oxygenation.

2. The mental and emotional health balance is clearly tuned by sex. People who are involuntarily celibate or abstinent and often exhibit depressive feelings (like anger, frustration, self-doubt, paranoia and even depression) are driven into this by "missed opportunities", due to living without having sex.
. Sex eliminates stress. You know the feeling of total relaxation and calm following a sexual intercourse. A subsequent profound calming sleep follows, with great effect in combating the stress, and persons with a regular sex life sleep better and feel better the next day.

4. Sex means softer skin. While having sex, a woman's body doubles the estrogen level, and this makes her hair shine while the skin becomes softer.

5. Long term researches showed that regular basis sex increases the humans� lifespan. For the same age and health, those who had orgasms more frequently had half the death rate of men who did not have such frequent orgasms. This could be due to the plummeting stress hormones, reaction that installs after we have sex. Frequent orgasms (about 100 per year) have been linked to an increase of 3-8 years in a person's lifespan and a decrease of death risk of 50%.

6. Sweating while having sex cleanse the skin pores, making the skin brighter and decreasing the risk of developing dermatitis.

7. Sex can keep you fit, burning extra-pounds. Quickies of 20 minutes weekly mean 7 500 calories annually, that旧 as much as you consume on 120 km (745 mi) of jogging. A sex session can burn about 200 calories. This is like running 15 minutes on a treadmill!
8. Sex strengthen muscles. So much pushes and flexions... It depends on your stunts in bed, of course, but it's clearly a lot more fun than running for miles. Bed fitness sessions clearly improve muscles of your pelvis, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, chest and arms.

9. The more active your sex life is, the more attractive for the opposite sex you are. High sexual activity makes the body release more pheromones, chemicals that attract the opposite sex, but also to display a security given by experience.

10. Sex improves senses, at least the smell. Following the orgasm, a rise of the hormone prolactin makes the brain's stem cells form new neurons in the olfactory bulb, boosting a person's olfactory abilities.

11.Sex is also a pain reliever, ten times more effective than Valium: immediately before orgasm, levels of the hormone oxytocin rise by five times, determining a huge release of endorphins. These chemicals calm pain, from a minor headache to arthritis or migraines, and with no secondary effects. Migraines also disappear because the pressure in the brain's ***** vessels is lowered while we have sex. So now we see that actually, a woman's headache is rather a good reason for having sex, not against it.

Sex also stimulates the release of estrogen, decreasing the PSM pains.

12. Kissing stimulates salivation, which cleanses food left between the teeth and lowers the acidity in the mouth, the main cause of the tooth decay and bad breath.

13. Sex fights off allergies. A good sex session can be a good remedy against stiff nose, being a natural antihistaminic that helps combating asthma and high fever.

14. Regular sex balances the ratio good cholesterol: bad cholesterol.

15. Sex balances sex hormones: estrogen protects a woman's heart but on the long term, it can be efficient also against Alzheimer's disease and osteoporosis while testosterone spurs the growth of the bones and muscles.

16. The sexual activity means less colds, flu and infections. 1-2 intercourses weekly means 30 % higher levels of the antibody immunoglobulin A, that spurs the immune system.

17. Sex means a better control of the bladder, as pelvis muscles controlling the urine flow are stronger.

18. After orgasm, especially in the evening, we get sleepy. Sex increases sleep quality. Following an orgasm, the body of both males or females becomes completely relaxed, so they may have a good deep sleep.

19. Most pregnant women stop having sex a few weeks before giving birth, as there is a widespread idea that having sex late in pregnancy could trigger labor. But studies shows this is not true. Prostaglandin is released in huge amounts by the woman旧 body as it triggers labor. Also, orgasm can induce uterine contractions. Still, there is no scientific proof that sexual intercourse close to the end of pregnancy starts the labor.

20.Sex fights cancer! Various researches have shown that a high ejaculation frequency and sexual activity are linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer later in life. A study found out that men who ejaculated 13 to 20 times monthly presented a 14% lower risk of prostate cancer than men who ejaculated on average, between 4 and 7 times monthly for most of their adult life. Those ejaculating over 21 times a month presented a 33% decreased risk of developing prostate cancer than the baseline group.
A - U'r Attractive
B - U'r D Best
C - U'r Cute
D - U'r Dear 2 me
E - U'r Excellent
F - U'r Funny
G - U'r Gud Looking
H - He He He
I - I'm
J - Just
K - Kidding

You gotta love charades. And even if you do not, play along with me, will you? It’s not strip poker, which would be more along the theme of this column, but it’s still more laughs than a Brady Bunch reunion show. Do it naked if you want, but just don’t describe it in detail in the comments. And please, guys, don't leave your phone numbers. As much as many of our female readers are dying to meet “hot foreign boys” who can’t spell, I’m going to have to protect their best interest and send you off to cyber space. In English that means BEHAVE.

Ready to start the charades? First word: It’s the singular form of those things that you clap with. Second word: It’s a synonym for work. Put them together and what do you have? Something I cannot write in Good Housekeeping, but I think you will get the idea.

Take a moment.

Got it? Yeah! Give yourselves a hand! Pun intended.

I am writing about this little act because many married women complain that sex at night is too tiring. I get it. I’ve been there. But then someone from my BabyCenter column suggested taking matters (or her husband’s matter to be clear) into her own hands in the shower. This little tip, or big tip as the case might be, is not a bad one. It might even be a stroke of genius. I hope I’m not rubbing you the wrong way with my play on words, because sometimes, when there are too many balls in the air (or in the shower as in her example) you just have to have some fun.

Think about it. It’s a quick and relaxing release and boom – you’ve satisfied your husband and gotten clean all at once. This little maneuver might even keep your sheets fresher a few more days, which means less laundry. You're saving water and satisfying your husband all at once. You should nominate yourself for the Nobel Prize! Or at least a back scratch.

Now I know ye ole happy slappy is not sex. And when you are all in love and mushy gushy, you want an Alleluia style love making session, not a boring version of palm Sunday. But I gotta tell ya, if you are doing it right, your husband will be shouting Amen.

So what do you think? Is it too impersonal, or is this still an exciting form of intimacy? Show of hands, please! (Just wash them first.)
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